Category Archives: Uncategorized

December 7, 2015

Stay Frosty Don’t Drink and Drive

The nation’s alcohol intake soars by 40% in December, with it so do drink driving arrests. Speaking to those who have been affected reveals: it is all too easy for drivers like us to get complacent, justifying their driving under the influence by saying “I won’t get caught”, “I’m a good driver, I’ll be fine” or “I’ve only had one.”
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The nation’s alcohol intake soars by 40% in December, with it so do drink driving arrests. Speaking to those who have been affected reveals: it is all too easy for drivers like us to get complacent, justifying their driving under the influence by saying “I won’t get caught”, “I’m a good driver, I’ll be fine” or “I’ve only had one.”

November 20, 2015

Is Your Car Ready For The Coldest Winter In 50 Years?

This winter will be the coldest in 50 years. The 'jet steam' a 250 mph air current whizzing around the planet 7 miles above our heads is moving south; bringing arctic conditions with it. With these simple tips from Keith Michaels, we hope to keep you on the roads this winter.
Is Your Car Ready For The Coldest Winter In 50 Years? Header Image

This winter will be the coldest in 50 years. The ‘jet steam’ a 250 mph air current whizzing around the planet 7 miles above our heads is moving south; bringing arctic conditions with it. With these simple tips from Keith Michaels, we hope to keep you on the roads this winter.

November 11, 2015

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal Could Kill Hundreds

In September 2015, the motor industry was rocked by claims that Volkswagen had rigged thousands of diesel cars so they could pass environmental tests – despite pumping out dangerous levels of toxins. Since news of the scandal broke, anomalies have now shown up in around 11 million cars worldwide, but it’s in Britain that the biggest cause for concern lies. If the faulty cars are not recalled quickly, hundreds of Britons could die as a result of the excess emissions.
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In September 2015, the motor industry was rocked by claims that Volkswagen had rigged thousands of diesel cars so they could pass environmental tests – despite pumping out dangerous levels of toxins.

Since news of the scandal broke, anomalies have now shown up in around 11 million cars worldwide, but it’s in Britain that the biggest cause for concern lies. If the faulty cars are not recalled quickly, hundreds of Britons could die as a result of the excess emissions.

October 27, 2015

Top 5 Haunted Cars For Halloween

With Halloween right around the corner, spooky goings on and scary stories are hot topics worldwide. Of course there are plenty of weird tales about haunted houses, abandoned towns and spooky ships, but what about famous phantom cars and haunted vehicles?
Top 5 Haunted Cars For Halloween Header Image

With Halloween right around the corner, spooky goings on and scary stories are hot topics worldwide. Of course there are plenty of weird tales about haunted houses, abandoned towns and spooky ships, but what about famous phantom cars and haunted vehicles?

October 9, 2015

Police Hiding Cameras in Farm Vehicles To Catch Speeding Drivers

Humberside police have had to come clean about hiding speed cameras in farm vehicles in an attempt to catch out motorists speeding along country roads.
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Humberside police have had to come clean about hiding speed cameras in farm vehicles in an attempt to catch out motorists speeding along country roads.

September 10, 2015

Keyless Entry Cars Vulnerable to Theft

Research carried out by computer scientists has recently come to light revealing just how vulnerable keyless entry cars are to theft. Thousands of cars fitted with the Megamos Crypto system are at risk of being electronically hacked by thieves who can easily disable high tech security devices and gain entry.
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Research carried out by computer scientists has recently come to light revealing just how vulnerable keyless entry cars are to theft. Thousands of cars fitted with the Megamos Crypto system are at risk of being electronically hacked by thieves who can easily disable high tech security devices and gain entry.

August 26, 2015

What Vehicle Modifications Will Void A Car Warranty?

If you are a car enthusiast keen to modify your new car, you may be wondering what modifications you can make without voiding your car warranty. While it’s commonly believed that any modification will automatically void a warranty, this isn’t actually the case. There are various aftermarket modifications that can be made which will not affect your warranty coverage. However, certain upgrades could also cost you.
What Vehicle Modifications Will Void A Car Warranty? Header Image

If you are a car enthusiast keen to modify your new car, you may be wondering what modifications you can make without voiding your car warranty. While it’s commonly believed that any modification will automatically void a warranty, this isn’t actually the case. There are various aftermarket modifications that can be made which will not affect your warranty coverage. However, certain upgrades could also cost you.

August 7, 2015

5 Common Mods That Won’t Increase Your Car’s Speed

For all you car lovers, car modification possibilities can seem endless! There are so many different legitimate car modifications, both performance and aesthetic ones, that you can choose from to customise your car. But there are also many bogus ‘modifications’ out there that have some drivers fooled – thinking they will speed up their cars, but in reality they’re just throwing their money down the toilet.
5 Common Mods That Won’t Increase Your Car’s Speed Header Image

For all you car lovers, car modification possibilities can seem endless! There are so many different legitimate car modifications, both performance and aesthetic ones, that you can choose from to customise your car. But there are also many bogus ‘modifications’ out there that have some drivers fooled – thinking they will speed up their cars, but in reality they’re just throwing their money down the toilet.

June 22, 2015

Prepare Yourself with our Complete Guide to Driving Abroad to Ensure a Hassle-Free Holiday

Driving abroad can be dangerous if you’re not focused or properly informed. This guide to driving abroad addresses some of the key motoring concerns when on holiday to make sure you’re ready for this summer.
Prepare Yourself with our Complete Guide to Driving Abroad to Ensure a Hassle-Free Holiday Header Image

Driving abroad can be dangerous if you’re not focused or properly informed. This guide to driving abroad addresses some of the key motoring concerns when on holiday to make sure you’re ready for this summer.