Category Archives: Uncategorized

July 11, 2017

Fast Cars with Cheap Insurance

It’s no secret the faster your car is, the more your insurance premiums start to creep up (in combination with other factors of course). To get around the hefty insurance sums, you’ll need to find yourself a good middle ground.
Fast Cars with Cheap Insurance Header Image

It’s no secret the faster your car is, the more your insurance premiums start to creep up (in combination with other factors of course). To get around the hefty insurance sums, you’ll need to find yourself a good middle ground.

June 15, 2017

Driving Laws You Didn’t Know Existed

You class yourself as a pretty law-abiding citizen yes? Did you know it’s likely you’ve broken the law behind the wheel without realising?
Driving Laws You Didn’t Know Existed Header Image

You class yourself as a pretty law-abiding citizen yes? Did you know it’s likely you’ve broken the law behind the wheel without realising?

May 12, 2017

Car Show Season Begins – Here’s what to look out for…

As we speed into the Car Show Season for 2017, we take a look at the biggest and best events in the UK! Make sure you know what everyone's talking about...
Car Show Season Begins – Here’s what to look out for… Header Image

As we speed into the Car Show Season for 2017, we take a look at the biggest and best events in the UK! Make sure you know what everyone’s talking about…

May 8, 2017

New speeding fine laws have landed. Here’s what you need to know…

Here's everything you need to know about the changes to the speeding fine laws. You could be fined up to £2,500 for speeding...
New speeding fine laws have landed. Here’s what you need to know… Header Image

Here’s everything you need to know about the changes to the speeding fine laws. You could be fined up to £2,500 for speeding…

April 20, 2017

Road Rage! Causes & Prevention

What is it that makes us so angry behind the wheel? How can we stop angry drivers cutting us up? Find out right here in our latest blog...
Road Rage! Causes & Prevention Header Image

What is it that makes us so angry behind the wheel? How can we stop angry drivers cutting us up? Find out right here in our latest blog…

April 4, 2017

What’s the most points you can have on your driving licence?

Did you hear the one about the man with 62 points on his licence? Imagine how hard it is for him to get insurance!
What’s the most points you can have on your driving licence? Header Image

Did you hear the one about the man with 62 points on his licence? Imagine how hard it is for him to get insurance!

March 16, 2017

The Cost of Running a 911 Over the Last 10 Years

Petrol prices. Every time we drive past a petrol station, we glance up in the hope that maybe, just maybe, they were lower than they were yesterday. If you own a performance car, how much cheaper was it to drive 10 years ago?
The Cost of Running a 911 Over the Last 10 Years Header Image

Petrol prices. Every time we drive past a petrol station, we glance up in the hope that maybe, just maybe, they were lower than they were yesterday. If you own a performance car, how much cheaper was it to drive 10 years ago?

March 7, 2017

Minimise The Stress of Parking Your Car – Avoid Blood Boiling Dings and Dents

Does parking you car in a multi-storey car park break you out in a cold sweat? Here's some parking tips to help minimise the stress.
Minimise The Stress of Parking Your Car – Avoid Blood Boiling Dings and Dents Header Image

Does parking you car in a multi-storey car park break you out in a cold sweat? Here’s some parking tips to help minimise the stress.

February 10, 2017

The Most Famous Cars Of All Time Part 2

Check out our 2-part series of the most famous cars of all time. The best cars from the best driving movies in the best chase scenes ever!
The Most Famous Cars Of All Time Part 2 Header Image

Check out our 2-part series of the most famous cars of all time. The best cars from the best driving movies in the best chase scenes ever!